Meet Hemi; Productivity & Automation Specialist.

Save time & unlock your potential

Hey freelancers; are you drowning in a never-ending to-do list? Hemi's ready-to-go Notion templates & automation magic will help you tame the chaos and get your life back.

Hemi helping a photographer set up business workflows
Hemi's Notion productivity system is a-mazing! It's completely changed everything about my workflow and saved me TONS of time! I can't even express how much I'd recommend his templates! Everyone needs a hemi!
Michelle Phillips

Michelle Phillips

Photographer, Patina Photo

Hire Hemi; Automation Setup and Consulting

Put your feet up and let the robots do it for you.

Coming soon

Let your creative dreams come true without breaking a sweat; Hemi's here to help you streamline your workflow, conquer custom jobs, and unleash your creative genius like never before.

Picture those tedious admin tasks, just done... Project setup; automated. SMS replies; automated. Meeting notes; Oh, they'll be transcribed with AI, linked to your project, and sent to your client faster than you can blink. How great is that?!!

But it gets better! If you work with a virtual assistant, Hemi’s automation wizardry will truly rock your world!

So why wait any longer? Reach out today and let's scale your business while freeing up so much of your time.

Why Hemi

Meet the nerd who speaks non-nerd

Hemi's been rocking the photography game for over 10 years, capturing epic shots and creating stunning visual stories in beautiful New Zealand; home to the sexiest accent (supposedly) and the friendliest people (confirmed) on earth.

He's also a certified nerd. For example; during the wild rollercoaster of Covid, Hemi built a nifty tool that helped NZ photographers find backup support if they got sick —just whipped it up one weekend nbd (because teamwork makes the dream work, even in the face of a pandemic right?!).

But what makes Hemi different, is that he married a (gorgeous and wonderful) techno-tard. This means he knows it's not enough to have a clever and powerful productivity system if its too complicated to use.

So, if you're creative soul looking to simplify your life, boost your productivity, and still have time to enjoy that cup of coffee, Hemi is your guy —he's tech maestro who actually gets you!

Hemi smiling